Pure virgin olive oils and ozone gas
Ozone oil has been shown to be an effective anti-fungal treatment. Fungus thrives in an environment deprived of oxygen. Ozone oil acts as a catalyst in creating an environment on the skin and nails that is oxygen rich, and therefore not suitable for fungus to live in forcing it to be eradicated. Ozone oil has been shown to help in clearing nail funguses: athletes foot, ringworm, yeast infections, tinea cruis (jock itch), tinea versicolor
Stimulates skin cell health
Removes harmful toxins
Moisturises skin
Helps with cellulite reduction
Reduces signs of wrinkles
Relieves Arthritis, Exzema, Dermatitis and Lupus
Heals wounds, cuts and ulcers
Relieves insect bites and stings
Sterilises the epidermis
Aids the healing process and reduces scarring
Helps heal sunburn and other burns
Helps clear ringworm
Relieves sore muscles by by removing lactic acid through pores
Helps heal hemorrhoids
Reduces diabetic sores